Can Sleep Apnea Cause Memory Problems?

Yes, sleep apnea can cause memory loss and changes to your brain shape. Do you find yourself struggling to remember information or feeling constantly fatigued during the day? If so, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially deadly sleep disorder when breathing is interrupted briefly multiple times during a night of sleep. … Read more

Does Taping Your Mouth Help Sleep Apnea?

Although, not recommended without consulting with your doctor, mouth taping can help with sleep apnea. Are you interested in alleviating your sleep apnea symptoms without using CPAP? If so, you may have heard of therapists recommending mouth taping as a way to stop snoring. Does it really work? Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder … Read more

Can Sinuses Cause Sleep Apnea?

Yes, sinuses can cause sleep apnea by blocking your airways. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects how you breathe while sleeping. It causes pauses in breathing and can lead to other health problems if left untreated. While many know that sleep apnea can be caused by several factors, including lifestyle and genetics, … Read more

Does Sleeping On Your Stomach Help With Sleep Apnea?

Yes, sleeping on your stomach is usually a good sleep position for sleep apnea. Although, not the best, sleeping on your stomach can help with sleep apnea symptoms. What other positions can help with sleep apnea? And, which position should you stay away from? We will cover what positions are best and what type of … Read more

Does Sleep Apnea Make You Pee At Night?

Yes, frequent nighttime urination is a symptom of sleep apnea. Could sleep apnea be causing those long nights of frequent bathroom trips? Many people with this condition also experience nocturia – a condition where they feel the urge to pee multiple times during the night even though they don’t drink any fluids before bed yet … Read more