Is An Adjustable Bed Good For Sleep Apnea?

Yes, an adjustable bed can be beneficial for those with sleep apnea.

What is an adjustable bed?

Adjustable beds use a multi-hinged structure and a remote control to adjust the upper and lower half of the bed separately, allowing individuals to stay in partially or fully upright positions during the night. This can be an effective way to reduce snoring and improve overall sleep quality.

Adjustable beds can also come with massage functionality, which can be a nice extra feature for some people who want more comfort while sleeping. However, for those who just need an adjustable bed for medical reasons, this feature may not be necessary. With the ability to adjust the upper and lower half of the bed separately, individuals can find the perfect position that works best for them.

How does an adjustable bed work?

They have a base, sleep surface, and joints that enable the bed to move freely. The joints rotate a certain percentage, allowing you to adjust your sleeping position. Motorized joints are controlled by a remote control to get the bed into your desired position.

This offers a way to limit snoring and ensure better quality of sleep.

Adjustable beds are also beneficial for individuals with chronic pain or mobility issues. This allows users to find their ideal sleeping position without having to manually adjust the mattress each time they want to change positions. They can also be used as an aid for those who need help getting in and out of bed due to physical limitations or age-related issues. With adjustable beds, you can customize your sleeping experience to fit your needs.

Is adjustable bed good for sleep apnea?

Adjustable beds can be a great solution for those suffering from sleep apnea. They can help alleviate some of the symptoms of sleep apnea by allowing the individual to keep their head, body, and neck elevated while they sleep. This elevation helps reduce snoring and other breathing issues associated with sleep apnea.

A study found that only at a 7.5 degree incline, 52 patients reduced their obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) symptoms by 31.8%. The researchers concluded that “elevating your head is a simple measure that significantly improves OSA severity without compromising the sleep architecture. This positional intervention reduces AHI and has better effects in hypopnea index and supine AHI. Due its simplicity and low cost, inclining your body can be an attractive alternative treatment for OSA.”

Adjustable beds are just one way to help manage sleep apnea symptoms. While they may be beneficial for some people, they should not replace standard treatments like CPAP devices or surgery prescribed by a doctor. It is important to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your sleeping habits or environment if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

Does raising your head reduce throat obstructions?

Raising your head can be an effective way to reduce throat obstructions while sleeping. Sleeping on your back in a flat position can cause gravity to pull your neck down, which can block the airway and lead to snoring and other sleep disturbances. An adjustable bed, or stack of pillows, can help prop up your head and reduce throat obstructions. Reclining in a chair or sleeping in a recliner is not ideal for long-term comfort and may be hard on the back. Elevating the head can reduce snoring and improve sleep quality, making it easier to get a good night’s rest.

Are adjustable beds good for partners?

Adjustable beds make it easy to elevate the head without disturbing a partner. Split adjustable beds allow for independent adjustment of each side of the bed, so that each person can find their own level of comfort. This makes it possible for couples with different preferences to both get the best possible sleep experience.

Both individuals in the bed can become comfortable and stay asleep throughout the night this way. Sleep apnea can be a difficult condition to manage, not only for the person with the condition but also for their bed partner. An adjustable bed can help both people in the bed get more comfortable and reduce frequent waking due to snoring caused by sleep apnea.

What mattress is best with an adjustable bed?

Not all mattresses are suitable for beds that incline and bend them. The mattress needs to be flexible enough to bend with the base while still providing support and comfort.

Hybrid foam mattresses are an excellent choice for adjustable beds because they provide both support and flexibility. They shape themselves to the base of the bed while still contouring your body shape, so you can get comfortable in any position.

Hybrid foam mattresses also don’t lose their shape when left in certain positions for too long, which is important when using an adjustable bed. Additionally, some adjustable beds come with massage functionality, which can be a nice extra feature for those who want it. However, if you need one of these beds for medical reasons, this feature may be unnecessary.

What are all the benefits of an adjustable bed?

For starters, adjustable beds can help alleviate snoring, reduce pressure points, and prevent acid reflux. This is because the bed can be adjusted to an angle that helps keep the airway open while sleeping on one’s side. Additionally, split double adjustable beds allow couples to sleep side by side while still benefiting from a peaceful night’s sleep.

These beds also provide relief from back pain and can help open the airway for chronic snorers. Low blood pressure sufferers can increase circulation by lifting the foot of their bed to a higher position.

Furthermore, most allow each side to be programmed for individual needs so that each person in the bed gets the exact support they need for optimal comfort and restful sleep. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder why adjustable beds are becoming increasingly popular among those looking to improve their sleep quality and overall health.

Can I improve sleep apnea by adjusting my sleep position?

Sleeping positions can play an important role in improving the symptoms of sleep apnea. We now know that by sleeping on your back, while elevated, can help OSA. Though, sleeping on your side is the best position to improve sleep apnea, as it helps keep the airway open and reduces snoring.

For those who prefer sleeping on their stomachs, this may lessen or eliminate snoring and apnea in some cases, but it can cause neck strain. To make sleeping on the side more comfortable, a thicker pillow or large body pillow can help improve sleep apnea. Elevating the head of the bed or using a wedge-shaped foam pillow can also help keep the airway open.

It may take some trial and error to find the best position that alleviates symptoms for each individual, but additional therapy such as positive airway pressure may be necessary for full treatment. Up to 1 in 3 adults are estimated to have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which the airway is blocked during sleep, leading to snoring and other sleep disturbances.

An adjustable bed can be a great tool for those with sleep apnea, though simply elevating your current bed or switching your sleep position could also help. With the right combination of therapy and positioning, an adjustable bed may not be necessary.


An adjustable bed is a great long-term solution for those suffering from sleep apnea. It provides more reliable support than using pillows to prop up the upper body, allowing users to find the most comfortable position for sleeping, and reduces discomfort and stiffness in the morning.

It reduces symptoms of sleepy apnea by helping keep the head, body, and neck elevated. This helps to open airways, allowing for easier breathing during sleep.

Not only does this benefit the individual but also their sleep partner, as it allows both individuals to become comfortable and stay asleep. Investing in one of these beds can help improve overall quality of sleep and reduce symptoms of sleep apnea.

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